Visionary leadership
Drone of 2018 July 4 Celebration at City Hall
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce
Berkeley Chamber of Commerce, Berkeley County SC
Auto worker
New Activity Center

Starting and Growing Your Business

The Berkeley Chamber is dedicated to helping our businesses succeed with advocacy, education, connections, and savings opportunities for all types and sizes of businesses in our region. The Chamber provides opportunities for collaboration among businesses and organizations and resources to help you grow your business and gain exposure. To stay ahead of trends, we offer professional development and continued education via weekly emails, as well as programs and events that focus on a variety of business-related topics. Our Chamber advocates with local and state governments to adopt policies that allow area businesses to succeed.

Business Licenses

Berkeley County does not issue and or require a business license.


Growing Your Business – One-on-One Business Marketing Guidance

We offer our members benefits such as one-on-one business marketing guidance and even a free webpage attached to our website (which received over 71,000 hits per month). We are here to help you succeed! Call us for an appointment.

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